How to wash with Tire Washer

How To wash with Roller Type Tire Washer
1. Entry
The vehicle enters straight into the tire washer and
the front tires are secured between the first
and second roller. 
2. Front tire washing
When the vehicle is secured, place the gear in neutral and release the brake within 3 seconds.
A light will turn on during the washing process
and the light will go off when the washing process
is complete.
3.The rear tire washing
The rear tires are secured between the first and second
roller, place the gear in neutral and release the brake
within 3 seconds. When the indicator lamp turns off, the rear tire cleaning process is completed.
4. Exit
When the front and the rear tires washed, vehicle can
slowly move off the tire washer onto the road.


How To Wash with Grating Type Tire Washer
1. Entry
Move the truck to the platform and place the front tires 
on the  centre of tire washer 
2. Front tire washing
When the truck touches the entrance mechanical
switch, the washing procedure starts automatically
within 2-3 seconds. Wash the front tires for approximately 
10-15 seconds
3.The rear tire washing
Move the truck forward slowly, place the rear tires at the 
centre of platform and start the rear tires washing
procedure.Wash the rear tires for the next 10-15 seconds.
4. Exit
When the front and the rear tires washed, the truck slowly
move off the tire washer onto the road.